"Athens meets New York" lautet das Programm
der aus den grundverschiedenen Kulturen Griechenlands, der USA,
Indiens und Deutschlands stammenden Musiker.
Ihre Musik ist grenzüberschreitend und cross-cultural entwickelt
aus Jazz, Folk und mittelöstlichen Klängen. Und so kann man neben
Bearbeitungen alter griechischer Lieder und Tänze auch türkische
Stücke und Eigenkompositionen hören.
Das Programm verfolgt den auf der – 1999 bei ENJA erschienenen CD –
"Magia ke Miseria" eingeschlagenen Weg und entwickelt diese nicht
alltägliche Mischung zu einem homogenen Kunstwerk.
Sakis Stratopoulos - bouzuki, vocals
Geb. Saloniki, Griechenland. Meister dieses traditionellen Saiteninstruments.
Innovative und traditionsbewusst zugleich. Pflegt die Musik mit
seinen sensiblen, kraftvollen und melodiosen Interpretationen. Tourneen
In- und Ausland.
Till Martin - saxophone
Geb. München, Deutschland. Musikstudium am Konservatorium Hilversum/NL.
Ehemaliges Mitglied des Bundesjazzorchesters. Er spielte mit international
bekannten Musikern wie Benny Bailey, Clark Terry, Al Porcino, Dusko
Goykovich, Conte Candoli, Kenny Wheeler u. a. Eigene Projekte zwischen
Akustischen-Jazz und Elektro-Jazz. www.tillmartin.de
Geoff Goodman - mandocello, guitar, e-mandolin, composition
Geb. New York City, USA. Musikstudium am University of Mass. Studierte
mit Archie Shepp, John Abercrombie. Verschiedene eigene Projekte
– jazz und world music. Ausserdem zusammenarbeit mit Charlie Mariano,
Mal Waldron, Ed Schuller, Rudi Mahall, Embryo, Tony Lakatos u. a.
Manolo Diaz Fernandez - contrabass
Geb. Malaga, Spanien. Studierte in Barcelona Kontrabass und Jazz.
Zeit 1987 in München spielte er in die Harald Ruschenbaum und Al
Porcino Big-Bands, Herman Breuer's "Blue Bone", und mit Roman Schwaller.
Peter Tuscher so wie verschiedene Latin Formationen (Orch. Wawanco).
Shankar Lal - tabla
Tablameister aus Calcutta, India. Lehre bei Khalifa Keramatulla
Khan. Seit vielen Jahren Soloauftritte sowie internationale Zusammenarbeit
mit vielen namhaften Musikern und Formationen: Pandit Nikhil Banerjee,
Naiva, Aguna, Tabla and Strings u. a.
Excerpts from the liner notes of "Magia ke Miseria"
(enja CD 9117-2)
Magic and Misery – Magic and Mystery; the enchanting transmutation
of human pain and suffering into joyous celebration through the
cabala of sound. And Misery Loves Company.
Misery's style is eclectic; the band is comprised of musicians from
the USA, Greece, India, and Germany. The music is rooted in Greece,
Asia and the Americas. Loosely termed ethno, or world music, such
a commingling of cultures and styles often results in a musical
hodgepodge that ends in a diluted formula, a conglomeration of parts
that are only pale imitations of the originals. But Misery's music
has a cross-cultural depth of authenticity and conviction which
stems from a core of players who have known and worked with each
other over a period of years...
…The seed of the idea of forming Misery Loves Company was planted
in Munich at the Greek night club, the Lyra. Sakis was playing in
the club when Geoff first walked in some ten years ago. Sakis remembers
the moment of their meeting. "We had just finished playing a particularly
difficult piece, and this guy came up after the set and asked me
what the rhythm was. I was surprised that someone was interested.
It was a really complex piece, something in 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8,
and 11/8 time, and it took me some time to explain it." says Sakis
with a chuckle. Over the proceeding months and years Geoff and Sakis
became friends and musical compatriots. Sakis began teaching Geoff
Greek compositions, and Goodman in turn taught Sakis some of his
music. They played together in various musical combinations…
…The relationship between Western and Mid-Eastern music traditions
in conjunction with Greek musical forms is too complex to delve
into in this short space. Suffice it to say that Western music tradition
is grounded in the Greek modes, and that the some 3000 years of
Greek culture has straddled the European and Asian continents. The
influence of the East on Greek culture has been significant. Many
of the great Greek city states were in Asia Minor and on the shores
of what is now Turkey. Ancient battles with the Persian empire,
and Alexander the Great's military expeditions through Persia, Afghanistan,
and into India made Greece the centrum where East and West truly
met. That Misery's cross-breeding of Western, Greek, and Eastern
music is planted in Greek soil makes eminent good sense.
They say that misery loves company. Whether you're down or up, melancholy
or joyful, the music of this Misery is company well worth keeping.
Marty Cook, August, 1998
That was 1998. Today in 2003 Misery Loves Company continues to perform,
tour and record as a quintet.